"Patience is not the ability to wait , but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting." Kiên nhẫn không chỉ là khả năng bạn đợi được trong bao lâu, mà là khả năng giữ được thái độ bình tâm trong lúc chờ đợi.

You’ve Have Been Flirting Again

Lời Bài Hát You've Have Been Flirting Again

Lời Bài Hát You’ve Have Been Flirting Again

Cùng LoibaihatAZ chia sẻ Lời Bài Hát You’ve Have Been Flirting Again:

You’re all I ever wanted X2

All that she said was true
All that she said was true
Give her some time
Give her some space
All that she said was true

All that she ever meant was good
All that she meant was good
Give her some time
Give her some space
All that she meant was good

How you reacted was right
How you reacted was right
Give her some space
Give her some time
All that she said was true

You’re all I ever wanted X5

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