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Lời Bài Hát Monolith

Lời Bài Hát Monolith

Cùng LoibaihatAZ chia sẻ Lời Bài Hát Monolith:

first voice:
These symptoms suggested that our evolution, i suppose, from the animal kingdom
Into the human kingdom itself was catalyzed, or triggered by our encounter with
These hallucenogenics, and

Second voice:
Yes, we are an ape with a symbiotic relationship to a mushroom, and that has
Given us self reflection, language, religion and all the spectrum of effects
That flow from these things.

First voice again:
And one can only wonder how these hallucinogens might effect our future
Evolution as well…

Second voice again:
They have brought us to this point, and as we make our relationship to them
Concious, we may be able to take control of our furute evolutionary path.

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