Đôi khi, rõ ràng chúng ta đã tha thứ cho người ta, song lại không thể thực lòng vui vẻ, đó là bởi vì, chúng ta quên tha thứ cho bản thân mình.

There Speaks A True Friend

Lời Bài Hát There Speaks A True Friend

Lời Bài Hát There Speaks A True Friend

Cùng LoibaihatAZ chia sẻ Lời Bài Hát There Speaks A True Friend:

Now, there
There speaks a true friend
There speaks a friend for life

You told me all the things
That you think are wrong with me
I just wish you’d stayed around and helped me put them right
But nevertheless :

There … mm
There speaks a true friend
There speaks a friend for life

You listed all the things
That people cannot stand about me
I just wish you’d stayed around and helped me to improve
Because i’ve tried, i’ve tried
Oh, i’ve really really tried

You say i don’t know how to live
(and that’s true)
You say i don’t deserve to live
Oh, where would i be without my friends to help me ?
I just can’t imagine where i’d be, can you ?

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